
Flyers & Website

I finished my degree two weeks ago so after a 2 week break, I am getting round to doing some things again. Find out results in 9 days or something ridiculously soon, yikes.

This flyer has taken ages to make, I have done 4 or 5 completely different rough designs, going as far as to scan and colour them in on photoshop and then hating them. I like this, although the hand written type could have been better, but I was being hounded for the flyer and it is just for the boyfriend's band rather than some high flying magazine who are paying me. ALthough I *think* this may be actually get printed as opposed as just floating about online, which is nice!

Also, finally bought some webspace, check freyaillustration.co.uk although there is nothing there except a coming soon banner (quite pleased with it, clicky the link). Hopefully some sort of website will be in action in the next week or so.



Various products made based on the body shock series on channel 4. 19 Russian dolls, 54 playing cards, 3 note books, 3 toys (not all pictured).