Third year pretty much consumes all my free time with dissertation and projects and also working in a pub on saturdays, so little time to think about this thing. First thing to mention is that I won the Don't Panic competition and the issue my design is on is currently being put together, so I assume it will be out soonish.
Old things:

This is the poster & postcards that won me joint 1st prize in the illustration catergory in
Design4Science, back in June. It is currently part of the design4science exhibition which I believe is now in Manchester and will be going to Stolkholm in the new year. I haven't actually been, but plan to head up north in Dec and fit that in.
This is my illustration published in
Last Hours. Apologies for bad photograph, no digital camera so had to make do with my mac cam (See last post for high res version of illustration). The zine is for sale on the website and a few outlets throughout the UK. There are lots of really nice illustrations in there, and interesting articles.

Also, these are a couple of old rough logos/ideas for the band Danse, Armada! Sadly, they are now no more, but I still quite liked these.

My most recent project I completed for uni was called 'How Swearing Works'. I was pretty pleased by my sketch book and the final outcome. I made a 'Swear Box', which included a poster with some silly statements about the nature of swearing, a little book about how swearing actually works and a stressball (made with the help of the wonderful Suzie).
Apologies for the bad photography, I had issues with the digital camera I was borrowing.


Opened up:

Stress ball (to help to stop you swearing):


Inside book:

Final Poster:

That's your lot. I really need a website, i know. Feedback always welcome.
ps- I have been asked by a friend if I would be interested in doing a 3 panel comic strip in a magazine he is currently getting funding for, so we'll see what comes of that.